Monday, April 15, 2013

Lucero: Pedagogical Language Knowledge and the Instruction of English Learners

Lucero, A. (2013). Pedagogical Language Knowledge and the Instruction of English Learners. In M. B. Arias & C. J. Faltis (Eds.), Academic Language in Second Language Learning (pp. 57–81). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

p. 58: Lucero defines academic language as the language that students need to understand and produce in order to be successful in schools (Cummins, 2000; J. Gibbons & Lascar, 1998; P. Gibbons, 1993)

Five instructional moves that faciliate academic language development:
1) integration of content and language
2) dialogic interactions
3) movement along the context continuum
4) explicit instruction
5) linguistic scaffolding (pp.60-62)

Three Recommendations (p. 75-77)
  1. teacher education courses need to help teachers understand the multiple elements of academic language.
  2. pedagogical language knowledge requires that teachers be able to conduct linguistic analyses of their curricula because it is clear that, "content is not separate from the language through which it is presented" (Schleppegrell & Achugar, 2003, p. 21).
  3. a responsive teacher education program would explicitly teach pedagogical practices to develop academic language in concert with content learning.

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